Accessibility Guide – Boots and Hearts Music Festival

Boots and Hearts welcomes all music fans and is dedicated to improving our festival experience for all attendees regardless of accessibility needs or accommodations. In accordance to AODA compliance standards.


Any patron with accessibility needs must obtain a wristband from an info tent (see festival map) located across from the Main Entertainment Area gates or the festival merchandise tent within the entertainment area.

Patrons must provide their accessible parking pass or Government issued hang tag with matching photo ID to receive their wristband. Only the guest with the accessibility need requires a wristband.


There are two info tents on-site to support Boots and Hearts accessibility (AODA) efforts and provide accessible wristbands.

Please visit one of two info tents if you have questions regarding obtaining and accessible wristband or have questions about accessible facilities throughout the grounds.

HOURS: Coming Soon


Accessible viewing platforms are provided at Main Stage and Front Porch Stage, elevated above the crowd to ensure sight-lines.

Access is granted only to patrons with accessibility needs and a festival accessible wristband. Guests are allowed one (1) companion with them on the platform. Companions do not need the accessible wristband.

Viewing platform capacity is available at a first-come basis. Please note that the platforms have a maximum capacity in compliance with the Ontario Fire Code, which cannot be exceeded.

Please be considerate to all patrons and limit what you bring with you on the platform. Feel free to bring your own small folding lawn chairs. Again, space is limited.


Shuttle will be available on-site for those with accessibility needs.

ROUTES: Coming Soon

HOURS: Coming Soon


Accessible preferred weekend and single day parking passes are available to pre-purchase for patrons with a valid accessible parking pass or government-issued hang tag. Matching photo ID must be presented upon arrival.


Accessible Weekend Parking: located in the nearest corner to the Main Entertainment Area gates

Accessible Single Day Parking: Coming Soon

Due to limited availability, the use of these parking spots will only be available to patrons with accessibility needs and an official accessible parking pass issued by the Ontario Ministry of Transportation. Please note that fraudulent use of any government issued accessibility document is a provincial offence.


We offer patrons with accessibility needs the opportunity to purchase priority camping spots, right across from the Main Entertainment Area gates.

Tent camping, non-hydro and 30AMP RV sites are available to purchase for patrons with accessibility needs.

To qualify for an accessible camping spot, you are required to present an accessible parking pass or Government-issued hang tag issued by the Ontario Ministry of Transportation (or out-of- province equivalent) with matching photo ID upon arrival.

There are accessible portable restrooms and shower facilities in the campground.


Enter at the Line 7 gate for Accessible Tent & RV Camping.
Sites are located south of the Main Entertainment Area entrance.


All restroom areas use portable toilets. There are accessible facilities available. Please see the site map or contact the nearest event staff worker for exact locations.

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